The Thumbnail view - Using and modifying the album

The thumbnail view is the main view in MyAlbum.
It shows the content of an album; pictures added to an album are displayed in the thumbnail view as reduced pictures called thumbnails. The thumbnail itself is included in a gray square with a caption text at the bottom: these gray squares are called slides.

An album can of course contain a large number of pictures, use the vertical scroll bar located at the right border of the thumbnail view to scroll thru the album. You can also use the wheel of your mouse to quickly scroll up and down the album.

The above example shows the demo album. We can see that each slide has a different color:

There is only one current picture at a time but, on the contrary the number of selected picture at a time may vary from none to all.

Common commands and shortcuts:

Menu command Shortcut Description
View > View picture Enter Display the current picture full screen.
Picture > Edit picture Ctrl + Enter Start the editor and open the current picture.
Picture > Hide - Show F5 Hide or show the current picture.
Edit > Album information F6 Display information about the current album.
Picture > Picture information F7 Display information about the current picture.
You can also click the Info button located in the Quick Info window.
View > Slideshow Shift + S Start a slideshow
View > Slideshow selected Shift + Ctrl + S Start a slideshow of only the selected pictures.
Picture > Rename F2 Rename the current picture, the caption of the slide becomes editable so the name can be changed. Validate the change with the Enter key or abort the operation with the Esc key.
Find > Find Ctrl + F Search the album for pictures (search on name, comment, keyword,...).
Find > Find next F3 Continue or repeat the last Find command.
Edit > Delete Del Remove the selected pictures from the album.
Edit > Delete file Shift + Ctrl + Del Remove the selected pictures from the album and delete their files.
Caution! This command will destroy the selected pictures!

Common commands using the keyboard :

Key Description
Arrow keys Change the current picture to the next, previous picture or the one located on the next or previous line in the view.
Home & End keys Go to the first or last picture of the thumbnail view.
Page Down & Page Up keys Move one page down or up in the thumbnail view.
Arrow keys + Shift Extend the selection in the corresponding direction.
Left & Right arrow + Ctrl Change the current picture within the set of selected pictures.

Using the mouse

Mouse button Description
Left button (single click) On the thumbnail: Makes the clicked picture the current one and select it.
On the slide caption: The filename becomes editable so the picture can be renamed.
In the slide upper-right corner: The flag is set or removed (red X).
Left button (double click) Display the clicked picture in full-screen mode.
Right button Displays a popup menu with commonly used commands to apply to the clicked picture (view, information, rename,...).
Mouse wheel Scroll the thumbnail view in the according direction.
Left button with the Shift key Select all the pictures from the current picture to the clicked picture.
Left button with the Ctrl key Toggle the selected state of the clicked picture (without affecting the other pictures).

You can also use the mouse to move the pictures in the album (to arrange them in a specific order for instance). To do this, just drag the pictures you want to move and drop them in their new location.

If you move the mouse outside of the album window, two things can happen depending on the border type:

When dropping pictures in the Windows Explorer, the pictures will be copied (or moved if the Shift key is pressed) in the folder pointed with the mouse.

Note that if you MOVE the pictures, you will have to update the drive/folder information in MyAlbum as the thumbnails will still point to previous location.